Private Classes
1hour with Ariane (160.-) or Mathilda (150.-)
- Body & spine alignment
- Breathing Coordination Body Work
- Vocal Basics Warm Ups
- Vocal Advanced Warm Ups
- Awareness and Self Confidence
- How To Perform
- Learn a Repertoire of Songs You Like
- Regular Concerts
with Mathilda
GROUP Singing
Tuesdays 17:30-18:30
Learn how to warm up your voice, sing your favorite songs and perform at the regular events at CAPZürich.
Try a class!
640.- per semester

with Ariane
- write and perform you own songs
- writing exercises
- unlocking your creativity
- learn about harmonies
- 4hours, 1x a month, 150.-/class
- space is limited to 7 max
- on-going help in between classes
with Ariane
- perform a song
- stage presence technique
- connection with your public
- confidence and skills
- 1x a month, 50.-/class
- 8 singers, 8 songs

with Ariane
singing adult Group
MONDAYS at 19:30 til 20:30
50.- per class
- body posture
- breathing exercises
- vocal warm-ups
- songs & harmonies
Each lesson starts with aligning the body and doing breathing exercises.
We sing songs and create together harmonies.
Benefits well-being, mindset, body awareness and self-confidence.